CUTTHROAT Tournament

September 29th and 30th
(note this tournament will most likely take both days as
elimination rounds don't start till the third of five rounds).

Entry Deadline   Tuesday, September 25, at 6:30 pm.

Sponsored by
Billy Aardd's Club,
and the Game Room.

Tournament director: Ray Piworunas.

This tournament is open to NMT students, faculty, staff, and alumni.   Here is the page showing the player list and brackets for the tournament.   Field is limited to 32 players.

The Tournament Rules and Regulations, and the BCA - General Rules of Pocket Billiards will be used along with a modified form of Cutthroat so that the self-seeding format of the tournament can work.

Since maximal participation is best (it doesn't run well with less than 32 players -- really!).   It is important you commit to play both days if you sign up, as the entire tournament falls apart when people drop out.


Tentative prize schedule currently looks like --

Prize Money Schedule
(for 16 -32 players)
Place A-division B-division
First $35.00 $30.00
Second $30.00 $25.00
Third $25.00 $20.00
Fourth $20.00 $15.00


See Cutthroat rules of play for the variation of Cut Throat used in this tournament.

This tournament must run on a very tight time schedule.   Players must be ready to play when scheduled. For this reason all players will be asked to show up 15-minutes BEFORE their scheduled game time.   If a player is not here to play it really messes things up!   If you can't commit the weekend to this one, or think you may forfeit a match or two, then please don't enter.   (** NOTE ** If you do enter and end up forfeiting two or more matches you will be bared from entering the next tournament offered by BAC that you sign-up for).

Matches for round I will last 1-hour.   Matches for rounds II, and III will last 1-hour and 15-minutes.   Matches for round IV, will last 1-hour and 30-minutes.   10-minutes before the match is scheduled to start the players of the foursome will determine what RR# they wish to play.   They will choose in an order determined by the draw of a card.   (Please refer to the sample score sheet for the RR#s).   They will also determine the shooting order for the first game of the match by drawing a card again.   The player who is not playing a given game will keep score for that game.   Each game must finish when the bell rings (no strokes will be started after that time).   There will be 3-minutes between games for warm up shots, and choosing the order of shooting for the upcoming game.

Semi-final and final rounds will use a 30-second shot clock (the referee will count the seconds and issue a warning of "5-second left" when 25-seconds have passed).   There will be one 10-second extension per player per game.   No time-outs will be allowed.

To enter the tournament leave your name, Tech email address, and phone number on the sign up sheet at the counter.   I will be unable to work around a person's non-playable times this tournament.   If you can't commit Saturday and Sunday (of both weekends) to this tournament then please don't enter.   Entry Deadline Tuesday, September 25, at 6:30 pm.   Groupings will be announced Wednesday.

This CUTTHROAT tournament will use a self-seeding format developed by Jim McCarthy (former Director of Physical Recreation at New Mexico Tech) for use in Racquetball Cutthroat play.   The format works very nicely if there are enough people, and everyone who enters actually shows up to play all their matches (otherwise it becomes horribly kludged).

There must be at least 16 entries for this tournament to come off.   Since this tournament has players playing in foursomes the number of people able to play is restricted to: 16, 20, 24, 28, ... .     NOTE: More than 32 people may enter, though people after the 32nd entry (or the current highest group of four) will be deemed alternates.   Alternates will get to play if a player doesn't show for their match, or if someone cancels at the last minute.

Since this tournament requires a rather high turnout I would appreciate it if the Billy Aardd's Club members, and those on the Ladders, would help find interested people to play in this tournament.   Remember that this tournament format is self seeding.   I think you'll find it an intense, and enjoyable tournament to play in , assuming you like to shoot pool.   This tournament should be as much about having fun as seeing who comes out on top.

Three to four people will be needed to help run this tournament.   Their main responsibility would be to see that things run on time.   This should not interfere with their playing in the tournament (though they will likely not get as much rest between their matches as other players).

Who is signed up, brackets, ...

Billy Aardd