Various Miscellaneous Straight Pool Matches
Match 4

(907)  Oliver Ortmann   starts at   0.   (p: 9.312 / r: 10.000 = 0.931)
(990)  Bill Staton   starts at   0.   (p: 8.438 / r: 10.000 = 0.844).


VIDEO YouTube.

Match went from   1989-Nov-29 14:00  to  1989-Nov-29 15:52.
Lag won by: Bill Staton.
Game opened by: Oliver Ortmann.

Oliver Ortmann won with a score of 149 to 135 in 16 innings.

Match FORFEIT while IN PLAY.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Oliver Ortmann
Bill Staton 0
4 S/4. 1 10/ 10
3 1SF/S/SC/ 2 SF/SF/13. 21
3 3 14. 35
3 S/ 4 13SF/1. 48
3 5 14. 62
3 6 14. 76
2 /SF// 7 /S/S/14. 90
15 13. 8 1C/ 90
29 14. 9 90
43 14. 10 90
57 14. 11 90
71 14. 12 90
85 14. 13 90
99 14. 14 90
113 14. 15 90
127 1S/13. 16 / 90
129 2/ 17 12. 102
136 7/ 18 6/1. 109
142 SF/S/S/7. 19 7SF/S/S// 115
143 1/ 20 13. 128
146 3. 21 11/ 139
149 3/ 22 Q 139