2010 Derby City Classic Ⅻ : Straight Pool
Match 2

(933)  John Schmidt   starts at   0.   (p: 57.000 / r: 10.000 = 5.700)
(970)  Steve Moore   starts at   0.   (p: 14.500 / r: 10.000 = 1.450).


Match went from   2009-Jan-28 15:44  to  2009-Jan-28 17:30.
Lag won by: Steve Moore.
Game opened by: John Schmidt.

John Schmidt won with a score of 171 to 29 in 3 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 John Schmidt
Steve Moore 0
0 S// 1 S/14. 14
0 2 14. 28
12 12. 3 2C/ 29
26 14. 4 29
40 14. 5 29
54 14. 6 29
68 14. 7 29
82 14. 8 29
96 14. 9 29
110 14. 10 29
124 14. 11 29
138 14. 12 29
152 14. 13 29
166 14. 14 29
171 5/ 15 29