Living Legends Challenge
Strickland vs Sigel
(Showing 14.1 Continuous Only)
Match 1

(901)  Mike Sigel   starts at   0.   (p: 0.636 / r: 10.000 = 0.064)
(921)  Earl Strickland   starts at   0.   (p: 10.417 / r: 10.000 = 1.042).


Match went from   2017-Feb-23 19:30  to  2017-Feb-23 20:33.
Lag won by: Mike Sigel.
Game opened by: Earl Strickland.

Earl Strickland won with a score of 125 to 7 in 12 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Earl Strickland
Mike Sigel 0
13 S/5/S/S/8. 1 1S/S/S// 1
27 14. 2 1
41 3/11. 3 / 1
55 14. 4 1
69 14. 5 1
81 1/11. 6 2/ 3
95 14. 7 3
107 S/SF/S/SF/14. 8 SF/S/SF/S/ 1
116 9/ 9 5. 6
125 9/ 10 1/ 7