2010 Predator World 14.1 Championship
Match 11

(901)  Mike Sigel   starts at   0.   (p: 10.467 / r: 10.000 = 1.047)
(948)  Stephan Cohen   starts at   0.   (p: 13.333 / r: 10.000 = 1.333).


Match went from   2010-Oct-10 17:00  to  2010-Oct-10 20:16.
Lag won by: Stephan Cohen.
Game opened by: Mike Sigel.

Stephan Cohen won with a score of 200 to 142 in 15 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Mike Sigel
Stephan Cohen 0
0 S/ 1 14. 14
0 2 14. 28
0 3 14. 42
0 4 14. 56
13 13/ 5 /1. 57
13 6 14. 71
23 10. 7 4S/ 75
17 12SF/SF/SF(F15). 8 SF/SF/ 73
15 BB. 9 73
27 S/SF/13. 10 1SF/SF/ 72
41 14. 11 72
55 14. 12 72
55 1S/C/ 13 S/13. 85
55 14 14. 99
65 10. 15 4/ 103
72 1/6. 16 7S/ 110
84 12/ 17 2. 112
84 18 14. 126
84 19 14. 140
84 20 14. 154
95 11. 21 3/ 157
105 1/9. 22 4/ 161
119 14. 23 161
129 10/ 24 4. 165
142 13. 25 1/ 166
142 1/SF/S/ 26 2C/S/11. 178
142 27 14. 192
142 28 8/ 200