2010 Predator World 14.1 Championship
Match 1

(939)  Dave Daya   starts at   0.   (p: 25.000 / r: 10.000 = 2.500)
(937)  Thorsten Hohmann   starts at   0.   (p: 3.667 / r: 10.000 = 0.367).


Match went from   2010-Oct-06 09:00  to  2010-Oct-06 10:51.
Lag won by: Thorsten Hohmann.
Game opened by: Dave Daya.

Dave Daya won with a score of 100 to 11 in 4 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Dave Daya
Thorsten Hohmann 0
11 S/1S/10. 1 2S/1/ 3
25 14. 2 3
39 14. 3 3
53 14. 4 3
67 14. 5 3
81 14. 6 3
92 11/ 7 3. 6
100 8/ 8 5S/ 11