1993 Cleveland 14.1 Invitational
Match 9

(904)  Grady Mathews   starts at   0.   (p: 23.600 / r: 10.000 = 2.360)
(902)  Mike Zuglan   starts at   0.   (p: 30.000 / r: 10.000 = 3.000).


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Match went from   1993-Oct-01 12:00  to  1993-Oct-01 14:30.
Lag won by: Mike Zuglan.
Game opened by: Grady Mathews.

Mike Zuglan won with a score of 150 to 118 in 5 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Grady Mathews
Mike Zuglan 0
0 S// 1 7/7. 14
14 14. 2 / 14
28 14. 3 14
42 14. 4 14
56 14. 5 14
68 /12. 6 2/ 16
82 14. 7 16
96 14. 8 16
107 11/ 9 3. 19
107 10 14. 33
107 11 14. 47
107 12 14. 61
107 13 14. 75
107 14 14. 89
107 15 14. 103
107 16 14. 117
107 17 14. 131
119 12. 18 2/ 133
118 C/ 19 14. 147
118 20 3/ 150