1992 U.S. Open 14.1 Championship
Match 6

(908)  Cicero Murphy   starts at   0.   (p: 2.500 / r: 10.000 = 0.250)
(902)  Mike Zuglan   starts at   0.   (p: 13.636 / r: 10.000 = 1.364).


Match went from   1992-Aug-22 14:30  to  1992-Aug-22 15:40.
Lag won by: Cicero Murphy.
Game opened by: Mike Zuglan.

Mike Zuglan won with a score of 150 to 25 in 11 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Mike Zuglan
Cicero Murphy 0
13 S/13/ 1 C/1. 0
12 SF/S/S/S/S// 2 S/SF/S/S/S/S/14. 13
25 /13. 3 1S// 14
39 14. 4 14
42 2/1. 5 11/ 25
56 14. 6 25
70 14. 7 25
84 14. 8 25
98 14. 9 25
112 14. 10 25
126 14. 11 25
140 14. 12 25
150 10/ 13 25