September 30 through October 28.

Sponsored by
Billy Aardd's Club,
and Auxiliary Services.

The Tournament Rules and Regulations, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards, and the house rules on One Pocket will apply to this tournament.

"A" division format will be limited to a sixteen player field.   The format will be four groups of four with each group playing a Round Robin, winners of the first Round Robin play will compete in a second Round Robin for prizes.   (If there are only 4 or 5 entrants then a single round robin will be run.)   Matches will consist of one game.   The initial foursomes will be seeded, each with one of the top four ranked players; the remaining slots in each foursome will be filled by random draw.

"B" division format will be Double Elimination limited to a sixteen player field.   (If there are only 4 or 5 entrants then a single round robin will be run.)   All elimination will be on a match basis, with each match being one game.   The top eight players will be seeded, and the remaining players will be positioned by random draw.

"C" division format will be Double Elimination limited to a sixteen player field.   (If there are only 4 or 5 entrants then a single round robin will be run.)   All elimination will be on a match basis, with each match being one game.   The top eight players will be seeded, and the remaining players will be positioned by random draw.

Entry deadline is 6:30 pm Monday, September 28.   No entry fees and no prizes.   The tournament schedule (players' and refs') will be posted by 6:30 pm Tuesday, September 29.

If only one division can be run then all willing contestants may be grouped in one division and the tournament run as Triple Elimination (time permitting).

Breaker of the first game of a match will be determined by lag. Looser of a game will have choice of break for next game. Breaker's pocket must be called before the break, failure to do so will allow the non-breaker choice of pocket.

Billy Aardd.