The Tournament Rules and Regulations, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards, and the house rules on Nine Ball will apply to this tournament.
The tournament will be Single Elimination on a match basis. The "A" division matches will be a race to five. "B" division and "C" division matches will be the best of five (a race to three).
No more than 32-players will be allowed in any division due to table and time constraints.
Players will choose which division they will play in at the time they signup. Known players may be seeded by the Tournament Director (TD). Entry dealine is 2:30 pm tournament day. Entry is open, and limited to, (and free) to members of the Tech community.
The format of the tournament will be single elimination. Players must be ready to play within five minutes of their game being called to start. Three divisions will be offered.
The opening player of each match will be determined by lag.
If there are any questions please bring them to the attention of the TD. Information on how who the current TD is and how to make contact can be found in the Billy Aardd's Club web-page.
Billy Aardd.