NINE-BALL Tournament

Usually Weekday Evenings
Third Week of October

Sponsored by
Billy Aardd's Club,
and Auxiliary Services.

The tournament will be Double Elimination on a match basis. Two divisions will be offered.

The Tournament Rules and Regulations, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards, and the specific rules of Nine-Ball will apply to this tournament.

Entry deadline 17:30 the Thursday before tournament weekend. Entry fees are due at the time of sign up. Please pay the entry fee to the gameroom attendant. The tournament schedule (players' and refs') will be posted by 18:30 the Friday before tournament weekend. Play will begin at 14:30 Saturday.

	   Entry fees:
		    A-division			    B-division
		     $ 10.00  	    No TECH ID.      $  N.A.
			7.50    Non-student TECH ID.	5.00
			5.00	  TECH Student ID.	3.00

	   Prizes Awarded:
		    A-division			    B-division
		     $ 30.00	    First place	     $ 12.50
		       20.00	   Second  place	7.50
		       10.00	    Third place		4.00

	  (NOTE:  Billy Aardd's Club members will receive 25% off the
	 appropriate entry fee.  Your dues must be paid prior to entry)

There must be at least 8 entries in a division for it to run. A player may sign up for one or both divisions. If, however, the tournament director feels a player has entered a division below their ability he will either enter the player in the proper division (with player's approval), or not allow that player's entry.

If there are not enough entries for two divisions then all willing contestants may be grouped in one division and the tournament run as Triple Elimination (payoff rates as per the A-division, entry fees per appropriate division). All elimination will be on a match basis, with each match being the best four-of-seven games.

Breaker of the first game of a match will be determined by lag. Winner of a game will be the breaker of the next game.

Billy Aardd.