Except when clearly contradicted by these additional rules, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards apply.
Type of Game
To make a count the shooter must, on one or two strokes, sink two
balls whose numbers add to fifteen.
Individuals, or teams.
Balls Used
Object balls numbered 1-15, plus the cue ball.
The Rack
Standard triangle rack with the apex on the foot spot and the 15-ball in
the center of the triangle (as the 8 is in 8-ball). Other balls are
placed randomly with the exception that no two of the corner balls add
to fifteen.
Object of the Game
To have the most cribbages (pairs of balls which add to 15 or the 15
itself) when the table has been cleared.
Opening Break
The opening break must drive at least four object balls to a cushion
(doesn't have to be the same cushion!). If this doesn't happen opponent
has option of re-break or taking balls as they sit.
A cribbage is legally scored when a pair of balls are sunk which add to
15. Usually this is done in two strokes with each ball of the pair
being made on each stroke (a ball must be made to continue shooting).
Both balls making a cribbage are allowed to be sunk on a single stroke
If more than two balls fall on a single stroke they will be spotted and the shooter's turn ends.
If two balls fall, on a single stroke, that don't make a cribbage they will be spotted and the shooter's turn ends.
(A twist on the game is to play to a set number of cribbages, say 15 or
20, and use the 15-ball as the break ball in 14.1 Continuous.)
Illegally Pocketed Ball
Any illegally pocketed balls will be spotted, in numerical order with
lowest numbered ball closest to the foot spot.
Jumped Object Ball
Any object balls which leave the playing surface (and don't return to
it) will be spotted, in numerical order with the lowest ball closest to
the foot spot.
Cue Ball After Jump or Scratch
Will be put into play from behind the head string. (Shooter must play
out of the kitchen.)
Penalty for Fouls
Offending player must spot one of his cribbages or (if he has no pair to
spot) owe the table a cribbage. The cribbage will be spotted with
lowest ball closest to the foot spot.
Cue ball will stay as is or be put in play from the kitchen depending on nature of foul. "Touch" fouls will have cue ball played from where it sits. A scratch or jumped cue ball will be played out of the kitchen.