House Rules.
Except when clearly contradicted by these additional rules, the General Rules of Carom Billiards apply.
Two or two teams.
The table should be either 4 feet by 8 feet, 4 1/2 feet by 9 feet, or
5 feet by 10 feet without pockets.  Markings include spots in
the center of the head string, foot string, and center string.
 There should be two additional spots on the head string six
inches on either side of the head spot.
Three balls are used - one red bell, one white ball without spots and
one white ball with spots.
To cause the cue ball to contact both object balls on the same stroke.
One point is scored when the cue ball contacts both object balls on the
same, legal stroke.
The opening break is to be determined by lagging with the winning
player having the option of shooting the break shot himself or
allowing his opponent to shoot the break shot.  For the break
shot, place the red ball on the foot spot, the opponents cue ball on
the head spot, and the shooter's cue ball on the head string within
six inches of the center spot.  For the break to be legal, The
cue ball must contact the red ball first.
For any shot other than break shots, the cue ball may contact
either object ball first.
If the cue ball contacts both object balls on a legal stroke, the
player continues his turn at the table.  If contact with
both balls is not made, the players turn ends.
If the cue ball is in contact with one or both of the other balls,
the shooter must either:
- shoot away from the ball or balls,
- replace the balls in the break position and shoot a break
If both object balls are within a triangle area formed at a corner
(one diamond along the short rail and two diamonds along the long
rail) they are to be considered "crotched" balls.
  The shooter may not score more than three
successive points without at least one of the balls leaving the
crotch.  Once three successive points have been scored in
crotch the player must send at least one of the object balls out of
crotch in order to keep shooting. When either object leaves the
crotch the crotch-count will begin again at zero.
If a ball leaves the table spot them in the following order red
ball, cue ball of offending player, cue ball of incoming player.
  The first ball is placed on the foot spot (if it is
available), the second on the head spot (if it is available), and
the third on the center spot.  If the cue ball leaves the
table it is a foul, however if the object balls leave the table
they are spotted and the shooter continues.
The following are fouls for which the penalty is loss of turn:
Playing out of turn.
Accidental contact with any of the balls.
Striking the cue ball twice or with anything other than the cue
tip (i.e. cue on the same stroke, shaft, hand, chalk, bridge,
Push shots.
Making a shot while one of the balls is still in motion.
Shooting wrong cue ball.
Not having at least one foot on the floor while shooting.
If the shooter's cue ball jumps off the table.
The following are fouls for which the penalties are described under
unsportsmanlike like conduct:
- Intentional interference with the path of the the balls.
- Intentional interference with the play of your opponent.
The penalty for all unintentional fouls is loss of turn.  If a
carom is made on a foul, the point is not scored.  In cases of
intentionally interfering with the motion of the balls, penalties are
to be awarded as provided under Unsportsmanlike Conduct in
the Tournament Rules and Regulations.
Billy Aardd's Club, NMT, Socorro, NM.