Except when clearly contradicted by these additional rules, the General Rules of Pocket Billiards apply.


Either a 5'x10' or 6'x12' snooker table. A set of 2-1/8" snooker balls: fifteen object balls that are not numbered and solid RED (called REDs), six object balls that may or may not be numbered (called COLORs), and a cue ball.


Two or more individuals, or teams.


The Green-ball spots on the LHS of the "D" (radius of 9-1/8" for a 5'x10' table). The Brown-ball spots on the head spot, the midpoint of the straight line part of the "D" (which is 23-1/2" from the head cushion. The Yellow-ball spots on the RHS of the "D". The Blue-ball spots on the center spot. The apex of the triangle of REDs goes on the foot spot. The Pink-ball is placed in front of the apex ball (a RED) on the center string of the table. After the opening break the spot for the Pink-ball is the foot spot. The Black-ball is spotted on the center string 10-1/2" from the foot cushion.


Points are scored in two ways. Players are awarded points when their opponent(s) foul, or when they themself legally pocket an object ball. Each legally pocketed RED has a point value of one. Each COLOR has the following point value associated with it:


To score more points than your opponent(s) without violating these rules.


The starting player has cue ball in hand within the "D". For a legal break he must either cause a RED to be sunk, or drive a RED and the cue ball to a cushion after contacting the rack. Failure to meet these requirements is a foul and a breaking violation. If a breaking violation occurs the incoming player has the option of accepting the table as it lies, or having the previous player break again.


A legally pocketed ball entitles the shooter to continue at the table.

On all shots the player must comply with the appropriate requirements below for shooting the ball he is on (either RED, or specified COLOR). Failure to do so is a foul.

As long as the REDs are on the table an incoming player will have a RED as his legal object ball (his on-ball). The RED balls do not need to be called in any manner. Any number of REDs may be dropped legally when a RED is the on-ball. A RED ball will never be spotted. Failure to contact a RED first when it is the player's on-ball is a foul. It is also a foul to pocket a COLOR while on a RED.

After a RED ball is pocketed a COLOR becomes the player's on-ball. The player must announce, prior to shooting, which COLOR he is on. Failure to hit the on-ball is a foul. COLORs must be sunk cleanly. If the COLOR, on-ball, is pocketed and has touched any other ball on its way into a pocket it is a foul. If more than one COLOR is pocketed on a stroke it is a foul. If a COLOR is pocketed the shooter is responsible for spotting it on its spot prior to the next stroke. Failure to spot it is a foul.

As long as REDs remain on the table the shooter must alternate between REDs and COLORs as his on-ball.

Once the REDs are off the table the COLORs must be shot in rotation, according to their numerical values (from lowest to highest). The on-ball for the incoming player now becomes the lowest COLOR on the table. If the COLORs are all run off in one inning the shooter receives a bonus of 100-points.

The incoming player is responsible for seeing that all the COLORs are where they should be. If the incoming player shoots with one or more COLORs out of place it is a foul.


The game is over when all the COLORs have been legally pocketed, and one player has more points than the other(s). If there is a tie on points then the Black (#7) ball is spotted on its spot and the tied players lag to determine who shoots at it first. The cue ball must be put in play from within the "D". Failure to do so is a foul. Play will continue until a foul occurs or a player legally pockets the Black.


REDs are never spotted. COLORs are to be spotted on the spots they occupied at the start of the game. If a COLOR's spot is blocked it will be placed on the spot of the highest COLOR that is not blocked. If that is not possible it will be spotted as close to its spot as possible on a direct line to the foot cushion.


The incoming player has the cue ball in hand from within the "D". Any on-ball may be shot regardless of position on the table.


The non-fouling player receives 7-points for each foul. The incoming player may accept the table as it lies, or have the player who committed the foul shoot again.

If the cue tip touches the cloth on a masse shot, it is a double foul. The penalty will be twice that of a regular foul.

These rules are used by Billy Aardd's Club, NMIMT, Socorro, NM.