All meetings are open to the public unless stated otherwise below.
These meetings will be held at least once a month. The general membership meetings will be held at a time and place designated by the President.
On issues requiring a vote, each member in good standing has one vote.
A meeting in which there is an election for an office can not be closed until someone has been elected to the office.
There will be at least one Executive Council meeting each month. Before the end of the meeting the date, time, and location for the next meeting will be set by the President.
Any meeting which is called at other than the preset time will be termed an extraordinary meeting. The call for such a meeting must reach all council members at least 24 hours before the meeting begins.
Each member of the council shall have one vote on all issues requiring a vote. All decisions of the Executive Council shall be made by a majority vote. The advisors of the BAC have group veto power (i.e. the majority of the advisors present must agree on the veto) on all issues not regarding office positions (e.g. appointments, recalls and the like).
On matters regarding the conduct of the President, the Vice President is empowered to call an Executive Council meeting. The Vice President will preside at this type of meeting. The President must be at this meeting, but he will not have any voting rights. Any such meeting will be run as a closed meeting.
As the life of a committee is finite and was created to serve some purpose, committees will meet as often as the chairperson deems necessary (this being at least once a week while school is in session).
The committee chairperson will turn a weekly report in to the body which requested the committee's creation.
The treasurer will keep financial records on a semester basis (from the start of one semester to the start of the next semester).
All correspondence will be in the main files and in the files of the office they pertain to. Interoffice memos will be filed only in the main files. The people receiving these memos are required to initial the file copy next to their name, thereby showing that they have seen it.
The Executive Council shall maintain its own files. Included in these files will be a separate record of the terms of office of its members.
Committee reports will be treated as correspondence.
It has been suggested that an established format be used for: minutes, treasurer's reports, committee reports, interoffice memos, etc. Also suggested is that the Secretary be the only one to have any letterhead stationary. Thus all letters must go through the Secretary, thereby ensuring a copy in the files.]