A nonprofit organization.
To assist anyone interested in any form of billiards to learn what they wish of the game.
There shall exist the following elected offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. No member may hold more than one elected office unless the combined offices are those of Secretary and Treasurer.
In addition there shall be the following full-time appointed offices:
These appointments shall be made by the Executive Council.
The tenure of any office shall be until resignation or recall.
All officers shall see that the constitution is upheld.
All officers shall keep a written record of the current operating procedures of their office. This record will be in the general files as well as in the files of the office it refers to.
All officers are individually accountable only to the President. The President shall be accountable to the general membership and/or the Executive Council.
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all general membership meetings. He has the option of selecting a person from the general membership to act as chairperson at the general membership meetings. This selection must be approved by the general membership.
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Executive Council meetings.
The President will appoint such committees as he feels are necessary to maintain the smooth operation of the BAC. The chairperson and secretary of such committees will be appointed by the President.
The President will make appointments to fill offices open by resignation. These appointments will not last past the second regularly scheduled meeting following the appointment. An election shall be held as soon as possible following the appointment. The membership shall be given notice of the coming election at least one week before the scheduled meeting at which the election will be held.
The President will instruct the vice President in the duties of the President.
The Vice President will assume the duties and powers of the Secretary upon his absence.
The Vice President will assume the duties and powers of the Treasurer upon his absence.
The Vice President shall act as an advisor to the President on matters concerning the BAC.
The Vice President has the authority to call a meeting of the Executive Council to review the actions of the President. The Vice President will preside at a meeting so called.
The Secretary will keep minutes of all general membership meetings.
The Secretary will keep minutes of all Executive Council meetings.
The Secretary will maintain records pertinent to the day-to-day operation of the BAC. Note that it is not intended that the efforts of the TD or LD be duplicated by the Secretary.
The Secretary will keep a record of the current membership.
The Secretary will maintain a chronological record of terms of office separate from the minutes.
The Treasurer will keep records of all financial transactions of the BAC.
The Treasurer will see that all membership dues are paid.
The Treasurer will see that all expenditures have the approval of the President.
The Treasurer will keep the President up to date on the financial status of the BAC.
The Treasurer will give a monthly report to the general membership at the monthly general meetings.
It is the duty of the Executive Council to appoint both the Tournament Director, and the Ladder Director. Each appointment shall require a 2/3 majority approval of those members of the Executive Council present. Presidential veto powers are not in effect for this issue. (The appointee may refuse the appointment).
The Executive Council has the power to allocate monies not in excess of a figure to be set in the Operating Procedures of the BAC. These allocations are subject to review by the general membership.
It is the duty of the Executive Council to review all BAC budgets, adjust them as it sees fit, and approve (or disapprove) them.
Records of membership dues will be kept by the Treasurer. Dues will be collected at the first meeting of the fall and spring semesters. Dues are currently based on a figure of $5.00 dollars per year. Any change in the amount of dues must be approved by the general membership.
Copies of budget requests to the Student Association (and the amount actually received) will be kept in the general files and in the Treasurer's files. Money coming in from other sources will be handled in the same manner.
Records will be kept by the Treasurer, and copies put in the general files by the Secretary, of equipment bought with other than dues monies. The source of the money which bought the equipment will be recorded next to a description of the equipment.
Any resources still under BAC control which originated from the Student Association shall be returned to the Student Association.
Equipment bought with dues money will be auctioned to the remaining members of the BAC and any of the previous members who can be contacted. The auction will take place no sooner than 3-months after the move for dissolution has been approved.
Any equipment donated to the BAC will first be offered to the people who donated it. If it is not taken back by the donator it will be grouped with the equipment bought with dues money.
Any monies in cash or accounts will be added to those collected from the above mentioned auction and used for the same purpose as the money collected from the auction.
All remaining resources will be equally distributed to any members of the BAC who were able to be contacted regarding the auction. Failing that possibility (e.g. the cost of disbursement would eat up half the money to be disbursed) then it will be used for a dissolution party for the remaining members.