9-ball race to ____.
Started on ___-______-20___ at ___:___. Finished at ___:___ (lasting ____ minutes).
______________________________ VS
Won by: ____________________ with a score of ____ to ____ .
9-ball | Started: __________ Lag Winner: ____________________ | Finished: __________ Set Winner: ____________________ | ||
Game | Breaker | B play | NB play | Winner |
1 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
2 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
3 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
4 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
5 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
6 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
7 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
8 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
9 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
10 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
11 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
12 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
13 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
14 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
15 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
16 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
Game | Breaker | B play | NB play | Winner |
17 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
18 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
19 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
20 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
21 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
22 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
23 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
24 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
25 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
26 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
27 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
28 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
29 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
30 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
31 | _________ | _________________________ | _________________________ | _________ |
Legend | ||||||
| | - | (vertical stroke) a point (legally sunk ball). | / | - | end of inning (a miss). | |
Arabic numeral | - | number of balls sunk on break. | , | - | inning continues ( e.g. P,|| ). | |
Cn | - | A scratch with n balls sunk. | Fn | - | A foul with n balls sunk. | |
Pn | - | A push with n balls sunk. | S | - | A safety. | |
Win By : | { bank, break, carom, combo, cut, 3 fouls } |
A "Billy Aardd's Club" score sheet.