Handicapped 14.1, ABQ 75-pt. Ladder Match 1

Round 1
2018-Jul-14 12:00 to 2018-Aug-04 17:30

Round 1: Match number 1.
(424) Rico Baca   starts at   0   (p: 2.875 / r: 2.000 = 1.438)
(418) Andrew Maestas   starts at   0   (p: 2.425 / r: 2.000 = 1.212).

Match statistics.

Rico Baca is defending the title this match.

Match went from 2018-Aug-04 16:00 to 2018-Aug-04 20:00.
Lag won by: Rico Baca.
Game opened by: Rico Baca.

Rico Baca won with a score of 115 to 97 in 40 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Rico Baca
Andrew Maestas 0
8 C//8S//1. 1 4/1/S// 5
9 S/S///1/ 2 S//3/2/8. 18
11 //2/1C/ 3 //8/1/2. 29
18 7/ 4 /7. 36
26 2/6. 5 S/6/ 42
37 5S/S//6. 6 C/C/3C/ 42
47 S/10/ 7 S/4. 46
58 /11/ 8 1//2. 49
69 1/8/2. 9 2//1/ 52
80 1C/11/ 10 1S/1. 54
82 /2// 11 /3/6S/3. 66
87 3/1/1. 12 /8/1/ 75
97 1/2/7. 13 /4/ 79
101 1/1///2. 14 2//7/1SC/ 88
109 6/2. 15 6/ 94
115 1S/5/ 16 /3/ 97