Handicapped 14.1 -- Rio Rancho,

Round 101
2024-Jun-17 11:00 to 2024-Jun-29 16:00

Match number 872.

(488)  Shelley Easton   starts at   0.   (p: 1.111 / r: 1.150 = 0.966)
(37)  Yar Sanuro   starts at   -3.   (p: 1.028 / r: 1.220 = 0.842).


Match went from   2024-Jun-26 17:55  to  2024-Jun-26 19:43.
Lag won by: Shelley Easton.
Game opened by: Yar Sanuro.

Shelley Easton won with a score of 40 to 33 in 36 innings.

Pts Breaker Rack Non-breaker Pts
-3 Yar Sanuro
Shelley Easton 0
2 S/ 1// 2 S/ 2 S/ S/ 1 / S/ 6// 1 S/ 2. 9
8 / S/ 2/ SC/ S// 4/ 1/ 2 / F// 2 S// 2/ 2/ C/ 1. 14
11 C// 1/ 2/// 1// 3 3 C// 1/ 1/ 3/ 1/ S// 1. 23
24 / 1/ 1/ 3/ 3/ 5. 4 ///// 1/ 24
33 // 6/ 2/ 1. 5 // 4/ 1/ 29
35 / 1/ 1/// 6 S/ 1/ 1/ 6/ 3. 40
35 7 / 40