Handicapped 14.1 -- Rio Rancho, NM.

Round 78
2023-Apr-10 11:00 to 2023-Apr-26 16:00

Match number 724.

(456) Rick Thaler starts at 0.
   (p: 1.067 / r: 1.251) = 0.853

(483) Alecia Moll starts at -2.
   (p: 1.200 / r: 1.274) = 0.942


Match went from   2023-Apr-11 15:15  to  2023-Apr-11 17:22.
Lag won by: Alecia Moll.
Game opened by: Rick Thaler.

Alecia Moll won with a score of 70 to 64 in 60 innings.

Pts Breaker Rack Non-breaker Pts
0 Rick Thaler
Alecia Moll -2
-1 BB/ 1/ S/ S//// 1 / 1 S/ 3// 1/ 7/ 1. 11
8 //// 2 S/ 2 S/ 3/ 2. 2 / 1///// 1/ 3/ 16
13 // 5/// 3 1// 2/ 5/ 1. 25
20 3 S// 4 C/ 1/ 4 / 1/ 3// 2. 31
29 // 2/ 2/ 1/ 3 C/ 1/ 1. 5 /// 1/ 1// 2// 35
36 6// C/ 2. 6 6/// 41
41 1 S/ 1// 1/ 1// 1// 7 /// 3/ 1/ 3/ 1/ 1. 50
49 5/// 3. 8 S/ 5/ 1// 56
58 S// 4/ 3/ 2/ 9 S/ 1 S/// 4. 61
64 S/// 1 S/ 1/// 2/// 2/ 10 S/ S/ 1// F/// S/ 3 S/ 2/ 1/ 1. 68
64 11 2 S/ 70