Handicapped 14.1 -- Rio Rancho,

Round 77
2023-Mar-27 11:00 to 2023-Apr-08 16:00

Match number 715.

(423)  Pearl Ortiz   starts at   0.   (p: 4.235 / r: 1.963 = 2.158)
(418)  Andrew Maestas   starts at   -23.   (p: 2.062 / r: 2.654 = 0.777).


Match went from   2023-Apr-03 18:00  to  2023-Apr-03 19:15.
Lag won by: Pearl Ortiz.
Game opened by: Pearl Ortiz.

Pearl Ortiz won with a score of 72 to 10 in 17 innings.

Pts Breaker Play Rack Non-breaker play Pts
0 Pearl Ortiz
Andrew Maestas -23
11 S/// 6 S/ 1/ 4/ 1 1/ S//// 2. -20
18 7/ 2 1/ 6. -13
30 S/ 4 S/ 8. 3 1 C// 1/ -12
39 2// 7. 4 4/ 1/ -7
44 1 S/ 4. 5 9/ 2
56 11/ 1. 6 2/ 4
64 1 S/ S/ 1/ 6. 7 S/ 1/ 5/ 10
72 8/ 8 10